Saturday, September 4, 2010

Summer '10 wrap-up

Unable to go to sleep. I tried. But this faint but oh so familiar feeling is overpowering even the forces of the sandman & the infinite sheep falter. So here I am browsing through my cellphone inbox. Reading through all the saved messages I have of hers.

Hard to comprehend which time is more difficult in regards to leaving for school: Freshman year or currently? That question beckoned for me to ponder it the whole day and my answer would have to be...right here, right now. Freshman year was a mixture of anxiety, hope and sadness. I already know what's in store for me so the answer to the question is basically night and day.


This summer was perhaps the best summer of my entirety. Scratch that. Hands down, the best summer of my life. Balanced two jobs, chilled, actually learned something memorable in summer school, vacation (VIRGINIA BEACH!!), WATER oriented activities (my heart & soul) and to save the best for last...her =D

Word to the wise. I can't recall anything before this summer, where I actually genuinely and truely missed being with friends and family. It's been quite a long time.

However, as equilibrium plays out. I've observed some fairly disappointing behaviour from friends I hold to high regards. Talk is cheap. There's some childish tendencies that need to be realized by the individuals.

& for one particular friend (if you so happen to be reading this)- alcohol is no excuse to degrade others especially random strangers. Though you TRIED to humiliate me within the group by saying stuff in regards to me having your back. I laughed it off and restrained myself by not humiliating you. Few minutes later, I schooled you when we had that 1 on 1 talk and you, yourself realized the extent of your childishness, hypocrisy and idiocy. You're welcome.

I'm loyal and will always have the backs(& fronts) of the people I care about but when you try to pick a fight for the hell of it, especially in an environment which we were in and the occasion on which we were there for. That's called being a dumbass. Me, being a strong believer in hands-on learning. Wouldn't mind if you got scrapped 1 on 1 in order to learn a lesson.

For the record. You should know I always add fuel to the my fire. "Apparently" is what echoes through my mind when I'm in search of motivation.
